These are 4 features to boost and get more out of your LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is one of the platforms of the moment, this app is mainly focused on the world of work, and its users use it to continue growing and boost their profile within the union they are in. But as in everything, there are some tools or functions that you may not have known and can be crucial to take your account to the next level.

More than 15 million people in Spain have a profile registered in this app, and professionals are dedicated to any job you can imagine, among which, of course, is yours. That is why we will show you a series of tools you should consider if you want to get the most out of your LinkedIn profile.

Connect with people

To prosper in the world of work, like it or not, you need connections. But of course, it is not enough for us with just anyone; they will have to be people who work in something similar or can help us get a job related to what we want.

A fairly common mistake on this platform is connecting with everyone without considering which profiles are the ones that interest us, but this can change, and the app offers you facilities for it. We refer to advanced profile searches, you have to search for a term, and the filters appear in the results. Select the ones that interest you the most and find the profiles that will boost your account.

Featured Section

Depending on what you do, you can promote your work better or worse, but a great way to show the world your best articles, photos, presentations or ideas is through the featured section. Just go to your profile, click Add Section and Add Featured Items. Here add the most exciting or representative of your work.

Create a newsletter

Another way to reach more users and ensure that your work does not go unnoticed by the LinkedIn algorithms is to create a newsletter; in this way, your followers will receive updates every time you share content. To create one, you must go to Create Post, as you would always do when you publish something, and select Write an article.

learning platform

To finish, this tool is not intended to promote your tasks but is focused so that you can continue developing and growing in other aspects that impact your work life. LinkedIn offers hundreds of free courses with digital tools and knowledge which can propel your career to new horizons.


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